QuickBooks setup & implementation
QuickBooks training
Third Party software integration and demonstrations
Software conversions to QuickBooks
Data file archiving(make file smaller)
Data file analysis(find out what is wrong with file and/or data in it)
Payroll setup/cleanup
QuickBooks POS setup & implementation
Inventory management solutions
Remote support (quick questions answered)
I.T. Services
We hunted down the best of the best to provide you additional services that we know you need to keep your small business accounting up to par.
Through our exclusive partnership agreements, we are able to offer I.T. installations and managed services. Why worry about your computers and if they feel like working today? Let us worry about that for you.
Don’t want to key the data yourself? I can’t imagine why not. Bookkeeping is a blast! For those of you who have better things to do, why not let us do the data entry for you? Whether you have 1 month or a shoe box containing the last 3 years, we can help! -
Are you doing your own payroll? Why? Unless you are using job costing in QuickBooks and need to burden your labor (yes big words here, just means adding all of the expenses like social security and other taxes into your labor rate), you don’t need to get hung up in payroll. (Unless your definition of a party is filling out bazillions of forms.) What if I told you that you get get it done cheaply and that we’d even through your workers compensation discount into the mix? Ask me how today!